Sunday, January 31, 2010

I has a doggie!

Let me esplain.

Today, 3 or so hours before I'm off work, I get a text from Chris: "I have something you'll like."

"OO! What is it?"
"Tell me."

and repeat.

So when I finally clock out, head out to the car and ever so politely request to know what he got me. Chris, however, seeing an opportunity to bug the ever loving crap out of me, continues (for the -entire- ride home) to tease me and lay down false trails etc etc..

"It's in the fridge."
"Is it food?"
" it a drink?"
"Why is it in the fridge?"
"You're a liar. TELL ME."
"It's nothing."
"...I hate you." etc.

When we finally got home (longest 15 minute car ride ever), he admits that it really is in the fridge. So I run upstairs into our room, open the fridge and, low and behold, there are two Crunch bars wrapped up in a note. Note: Earlier I was complaining that Rite Aid doesn't have Crunch bars, only these weird Crunch bar hybrids that are.. ...wrong.

I have an instant "Awww..." moment, open the note, and it says "Look under your pillow. <3 <3"


I look under the pillow, where there is another little nothing with a note stuffed in the box.

"Look on top of the 360. <3 <3"

I try really (read: REALLY) hard to not run into the living room to see what's there, and there, hidden in the back of the cabinet on top of the 360 is Fable II.


After about 10 minutes of super appreciation and hugs and lots of "you're the best ever"s, I set about playing with the game I've been wanting for years.

This was around 7:30. ..It's now 12:15 and I just put down the controller.

Addiction? naah.

So, anyway, about the dog: Your character in Fable II has a loyal canine companion that changes appearance (with you) as you go through the game (either more evil or more good looking). It also growls if there's an enemy nearby, helps you find buried treasure, and does tricks for you. :D

Best afterwork surprise ever. :D

Friday, January 29, 2010

It starts.

So, Chris and I are definitely moving out come April.

Omg. I just can. not. wait.

In the mean time, there's about 50 bazillion* things to do. This is why I have lists.

I love lists. Lists keep me sane.

So now I have a list for everything in one of two notebooks. I have a list for things we need to buy, because once we move out there will be some sizable gaps in our standard housing necessities. Things like trash cans, pots, and vacuum cleaners will be missing.

I have a list of things we need to move over (including things currently in storage.. I love you mom/dad.) I have a list of things we need to do before we move out.

I'm sure I'll eventually have a list of various people/agencies/chores I need to kill... but that's just standard per the whole moving process and isn't really all that special to my personal experience.

One of these days I'll even post these fabulous (and in some cases long) lists on this fabulous blog thingy I'm meandering into. So we'll see if I actually stay on top of posting on here and keep up with anything journal-related for once.

*50 bazillion = real number. All the kids at school told me so.

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